New Girl: Season 1, Episode 7 “Bells” (B+)
This was an entertaining episode that managed to give Winston something fun to do and feature a truly hilarious chapter in the relationship between Nick and Schmidt. Interestingly, Jess barely had anything to do, save for express her usual enthusiasm for something dorky and then give Winston a crucial pep talk after his bell-twirling ego got too big to handle, which speaks volumes about the way that the supporting characters have become integrated into the show and come into their own. Watching Winston wither away in boredom at his temp job was wonderfully contrasted by his surprising ability to make music with the bells, and it’s fun to see a dynamic developing between Winston and Jess that doesn’t just involve him rolling his eyes at anything she does. Schmidt’s concern with Nick always needing to fix everything himself led to a very funny war between the two whose highlights included Nick moving the possessions Schmidt claimed to have paid for into his bedroom and deliberately unfixing everything he had once repaired. Both characters are extremely capable of being hotheads, and pitting them against each other in this infantile battle was a superb decision. It also suggests that there’s plenty of ridiculousness ahead, and I have faith that, with these characters, this show should be able to carry this story of four roommates for a while, given how impressively the show has matured in just a few episodes. Jess has become a new girl, but the show has also become a new show, which is great.
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