Friday, December 2, 2011

What I’m Watching: Ringer

Ringer: Season 1, Episode 10 “That’s What You Get For Trying to Kill Me” (C-)

While I still find this show intriguing enough to watch, this episode definitely represented a huge dip in quality from an already unimpressive point. I took issue with several plot points, and it’s difficult to determine which among them is the most lamentable. I think that would have to be Juliet’s absurd flirting with Mr. C, represented in all its awfulness by this exchange of dialogue: “Mr. C is so hot / He wears ties and he’s like a thousand”). Firstly, when did Juliet get a friend? Second, I don’t believe that he forced himself on her, and imagine that she’s probably making it up. Either way, things are not going to end well for Mr. C. All I could think during any scene in which Henry appeared was that he really needs a haircut, and his poor choice of stuffy wardrobe wasn’t helping matters at all. He managed to singlehandedly get his wife killed, though I didn’t buy that part either. There seemed to be no reason for Charlie to kill Gemma simply because Bridget hadn’t brought the money, and I can’t possibly believe that he missed when he shot her at point-blank range. Her finding out that Bridget is still alive is irrelevant because she died moments later, and the only worthwhile find there is that Siobhan is back in New York, manipulative as ever as she convinces Tyler that Andrew beat her and that her baby is his. I do have to hand it to Machado, who made his first smart move yet on the show by not going to an abandoned warehouse to meet Matador and actually got a lead in the search for Bridget.

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