Monday, March 20, 2023

What I’m Watching: Party Down

Party Down: Season 3, Episode 3 “First Annual PI2A Symposium” (B+)

It took me a while to realize who it was playing Stuart, the relatively nice leader of the Nazi-adjacent group putting on the conference, and I now realize that it was Calum Worthy, who was a great part of Hulu’s sadly short-lived “Reboot.” It’s not great that there were so few objections to working with Nazis from the catering team, but Lucy was the one who got most upset and hatched a plan to poison the protesters. While Kyle opted to go out and deliver that food and could have screwed everything up, it was helpful that they weren’t actually protesters at all but instead people hired to drum up press for the event by Stuart himself. It was great to see Nick Offerman, husband of Megan Mullally and former “Parks and Recreation” costar of Adam Scott, as Dermott, the speaker who was very much into naming and praising Hitler and was able to get that permitted by Stuart when he ended up having to foot the bill since Stuart didn’t have any money to pay the caterers. After showing up with that questionable check engine light mention, Henry seemed like he wasn’t in great shape, being pulled in multiple directions by his students and by Evie, who showed up at precisely the wrong moment. But then he did exactly what he needed to in order to get them paid and show his students that he’s worth taking seriously, since acting can be very convenient and persuasive at times.

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