Thursday, March 24, 2022

What I’m Watching: Life and Beth

Life and Beth: Season 1, Episode 7 “Leonard” (B+)

Well, this episode was quite a rollercoaster. Beth wanting a hug from her Manhattan doctor was a nice sentiment, and I’m glad that he obliged even if he had to bring a nurse in to observe. The process of moving Beth out of her apartment was different than they had expected, mainly because Matt was in a complete tailspin, disheveled and living out of a shopping cart in the park because he had been buying his own wine as a way to keep up profits. Not having paid rent and having spent the money she chipped in while her name is on the lease got her understandably furious, as did him misreading her saying that she loved him (like family) before he very messily snorted cocaine. It was stunning to see Leonard’s transformation from also living in a park and repeating himself almost instantly to shaving and showing up as Beth’s possible wingman to close an incredible sale. Though he did mention Italy a few times, he seemed to understand that the confusion he saw on people’s faces could be easily remedied by him laughing to indicate that it was just a joke. It’s an interesting cover, one that’s likely used by people in real life who are able to tell that they’re forgetting things but are able to present in a way mostly hides it. Even if he thinks she should go into a career that isn’t exactly possible, he did see that Beth wasn’t happy doing what she was doing, hence her decision to quit after landing that major sale. Dancing with the women in the fountain seemed like a productive release, and I’m curious to see what she’ll do next.

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